
Acupuncture is part of a complete system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that originated in China 2,000 to 5,000 years ago. Some therapies that we offer are Dry Needling, Trigger Point Release Therapy, Cupping, OBGYN/Fertility Acupuncture, Electrostimulation, and many more

Massage Therapy

Our massage therapists combine many different massage techniques that target different levels soft tissue to create a very unique and patient specific experience. these styles include:
Swedish, Deep Tissue/Trigger Point (Magda/Steve), Rejuvenation Face Massage (Jan), Prenatal Massage (Magda), and Lymph Drainage Massage (Jan).

Physical Therapy

45 min 1-on-1 session with Renuka Pinto, PT.
As an Australian trained therapist Renuka has immense training and clinical experience in the schools of Maitland, McKenzie and Neurodynamic-Butler approaches of manual therapy.

Jing Wu

Jing Wu Read More

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